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Your gift will help us serve 8,000 children this year.

Kesem is committed to ensuring no child faces a parent’s cancer alone. Transformational outcomes will require us to go beyond what’s been done before. That’s why in addition to delivering our high-quality flagship summer offering, Camp Kesem, we are piloting three new programs this year, Club Kesem, Kesem Gatherings, and Kesem Better Days to meet families where they are with support that addresses their unique needs. We're going beyond what we've done before to make sure that we are providing support for more families, no matter what their journey looks like. Will you join us?
“My kiddo LOVED Club Kesem and was so excited that they were on there with kids from around the country who were going through similar circumstances of a parent with a cancer diagnosis. It made my child feel part of a much bigger community, and therefore feel less alone and isolated.”
- Club Kesem Parent
Stories like these show just how important and valuable the investments in new Kesem programs are to our community. By growing our portfolio of free family support programs and services, we’ll accelerate our mission and expand our impact. Be a part of our journey as we go beyond to create new possibilities for children to find joy, hope, and resilience.

Kesem aims to serve 8,000 children this year through our expanded programs.

Looking for ways you can support Kesem on Giving Tuesday?

This Giving Tuesday, we encourage you to go beyond with us to serve more kids impacted by a parent’s cancer. 
Join us in a purposeful and energetic commitment to move forward and bring the magic of Kesem to more families through our growing program offerings. We can’t do it without you.



In January 2017, camper parent Jessica was almost a year into her recovery after 10 months of surgeries and treatments when she learned about Kesem from a family member. Her interest was piqued, and she signed her kids up for Kesem at the University of Kansas. At her first orientation, she listened to the student leaders share about Kesem, watched a video from the prior year’s Camp Kesem - and affirmed her decision to register.

“I pretty much cried through the whole video... partly out of sadness this even had to be a thing for kids, but a lot out of excitement for my kids to get to go to this camp. It looked so fun! We looked forward to the camp for our kids... to go and just be kids, but also to be around kids that felt a lot of their same feelings.”

Attending for the first time that summer and many years following, the family has since cultivated lasting relationships with Kesem student leaders, parents, and supporters. As Jessica shared, “I'd say my favorite part of Kesem is the forever family you have and the year-round support.”

And nearly seven years since their journey began, 2024 marks another important milestone for the family.

“My son is a high school senior and is going for his final year. And my oldest, who once felt like she had no ‘community’ for what she was going through and feeling, is now a counselor and absolutely loves still being a part of the Kesem magic for others, just like the counselors before her were for her,” said Jessica. “Each Giving Tuesday, she strives to ‘earn’ the equivalent of what it costs for her to go to camp for four years, and she's achieved that so far each year, with one to go. Kesem is life-changing for many of these kids, and it will mean so much to our family... for many years to come.

At Kesem, we know the impact of our programs stay with the children and families that we serve far beyond their experiences at Camp Kesem, Friends + Families Day, Club Kesem, and more. It lives alongside them as their families move through their experience with a parent’s cancer, helping to build resilience, connection, and friendship that lasts a lifetime.

We are honored to be part of these journeys. Your support and generosity allow us to share enduring Kesem magic with more children and their families from coast to coast. Get involved today.

Investing in Possibilities

Expanding Kesem's program offerings is a key pillar of our 3-Year Strategic Plan. We recognize that every family’s experience with parental cancer is different, and different types of support are needed to meet them where they are. While in-person connection works best for some, others may need touchpoints that are more flexible, frequent, or remote.

 Beginning this fall, we will pilot three new programs: Club Kesem (a national virtual cohort), Kesem Gatherings (monthly in-person meet-ups), and Kesem Better Days (full-day in-person activities), alongside our flagship offering, Camp Kesem, and our additional year-round support services. 

Your Giving Tuesday donation helps us establish these new programs and strengthen our existing offerings, all the while serving more children who need us.

Make a gift today.

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About Giving Tuesday
#GivingTuesday was founded in 2012 through a partnership of New York’s 92nd Street Y and the United Nations Foundation. The goal of this partnership was to find a way for the world to give back following Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday. More information about #GivingTuesday can be found at givingtuesday.org.

Thanks to our generous supporters across the country, Kesem has raised over $7 million as part of #GivingTuesday since 2013. 
Contact givingtuesday@kesem.org with any Giving Tuesday-related questions or requests. 
Visit www.kesem.org to learn about our work.
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© 2021 Camp Kesem National.
All rights reserved.
10586 West Pico Boulevard #196,
Los Angeles, CA 90064 
Camp Kesem National is a
501(c)(3) organization.

EIN 51-0454157.